When will I receive my order ?

Once your order is placed, you will receive a confirmation email which will include your order details and the shipping method selected. Please allow 3-12 business days transit time to receive your order once it has been shipped.

Can I cancel my order?

After placing your order, we will immediately start working on it, which is why unfortunately it is not possible to cancel your order. You can return the item once received within 30 days Returns policies apply.

How much will shipping cost?


Can I track my order?

When your order is shipped, a confirmation email will be sent to you.
It will contain the tracking number of your package.
You can track the delivery of your order by providing the information opposite or in your customer account.

Returns and Refunds

Returns of orders must be made in accordance with the following conditions:

To allow you to order with complete peace of mind, you now have 30 days to return the product if it is not suitable.

  • Items must be returned unworn, undamaged and unworn, with all original tags attached and returned to us in the packaging in which they were delivered.

  • Jewelry items must return to us in the condition in which you received them, in their original packaging and accompanied by all original documents.

Personalized products cannot be returned because they were created especially for you.